Declaration of the Assembly of Social Movements – World Social Forum 2015
by Assembly of Social Movements
Peoples, united, never shall be defeated !
The Assembly of Social Movements of the WSF 2015, Tunisia is where we come together in all our diversity, in order to forge a collective agenda to fight capitalism, imperialism, patriarchy, racism and all forms of discrimination and oppression.
We have forged a common history and a common stream of work which has led to some progress, with the hope achieve a decisive victory against the ruling system and to create alternatives for a socially just development that respects nature.
People all over the world are suffering the effects of the aggravation of a profound crisis of capitalism, in which private transnational corporations, banks, media conglomerates and international financial institutions are trying to increase their profits by applying interventionist and neocolonial policies with the complicity of neo-liberal governments.