What now for Greece – collapse or resurrection?

Neoliberal economics planned in Brussels and Berlin will push Greece into third-world working conditions

by Costas Douzinas


The reporting of the Greek tragedy over the last couple of years gives the impression that economics is a master science. Yet, the mainstream economists who gave Lehman Brothers a certificate of rude health just before its collapse, predicted tat by 2012 the Greek economy would start growing. The economy shrank by 7% last year and a further 6% contraction is predicted for this year, with worse to come. This is the fastest slump in recent times. The discipline of this type of economics is often closer to a confidence trick than a science.

Interview by Carlos Alonso Bedoya published in the Peruvian daily paper La Primera and revised by Eric Toussaint

Europe Gets Shock Therapy like Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s

Éric Toussaint

2012-02-02_EricEric Toussaint, Doctor of Political Science and President of the Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt (CADTM), is a member of the Commission for an Integral Auditing of Public Debt in Ecuador (CAIC) whose findings resulted in Ecuador stopping its repayment of part of its debt. He claims that Greece must stop paying its debt and must rise up against the Troika (the European Central Bank, the IMF and the European Commission) otherwise it will sink into the doldrums of permanent recession.

29 de febrero 2012

En Grecia nos jugamos nuestro futuro

por Daniel Gómez-Olivé i Casas

Estos días vemos cómo los líderes europeos están exprimiendo al máximo la piel de naranja griega, para asegurarse que todo el jugo vierta en sus vasos, sedientos como están de recobrar deudas helénicas. Las exigencias de la Troika (CE, BCE y FMI) al Gobierno griego nos muestran cuán cruel es la falta de solidaridad entre socios cuando de lo que se trata es del reclamo de deudas impagables.

26 February 2012

The citizens’ debt audit - Newsletter N°2

Citizens’ debt audit

The campaign for a citizens’ audit of the public debt is making headway. Following the success of the call for general mobilization, which attracted nearly 60,000 signatures, about a hundred collectives have been set up in towns and villages across France with the aim of launching a vast campaign to raise public awareness of the issues related to public debt (see list of local collectives).

Moisis Litsis, journalist at the Greek daily newspaper, Eleftherotypia: “Greece is a laboratory for the policy of austerity”

by Fatima Fafatale, Moissis Litsis

Greece experienced on Tuesday, Feb. 6 another day-long general strike in the midst of negotiations of the government with the creditors and with the EU over the next bailout. Moisis Litsis, economic analyst of the Greek daily newspaper, "Eleftherotypia", analyzes the Greek and European situation in this interview.

Eric Toussaint : « La Grèce doit se rebeller face à la Troïka et suspendre le paiement de sa dette »

par Eric Toussaint, Carlos Bedoya

2012-02-23_EricEric Toussaint, docteur en sciences politiques et président du Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde (CADTM) est membre de la Commission d’audit intégral sur le crédit public en Equateur (CAIC) dont l’action a abouti à la suspension de paiement d’une partie de la dette équatorienne. Pour lui, la Grèce doit arrêter de payer la dette et doit se rebeller face à la Troïka composée de la Banque centrale européenne, du FMI et de la Commission européenne sans quoi elle s’enlisera dans une récession permanente.

La Grèce en lutte de 2012 comme l’Espagne de 1936 pour les peuples d’Europe !

Par Sonia Mitralia

(Ce discours de Sonia Mitralia, membre du Comite grec contre la Dette et de l’Initiative des Femmes contre la Dette et les Mesures d’Austérité, a été prononcé au meeting de Marseille du 17 février, organisé par la campagne française « pour un audit citoyen de la dette publique »).

Le « Marx l’intempestif » de Daniel Bensaïd


2012-02-05_TombazosA propos du livre de Daniel Bensaïd, Marx I’intempestij. Grandeurs et misères d’une aventure critique (XIXe-XXe siècles) Fayard, 1995, 415 pages

Philosophique par son objet et par ses ambitions, le livre de Daniel Bensaïd est en fait une invitation provoquante. Le sens brisé dans les disciplines et spécialisations universitaires risque de se perdre définitivement au profit de la pensée instrumentale. Le vieil « esprit », saisi comme une sorte de rassemblement de sens, risque de céder sa place au calculs égoïstes et intéressés de la marchandise. Assez donc de l’enrichissante aliénation du savoir, osons une aventure à la fois critique, esthétique et conceptuel en particulier dans les divers domaines des sciences humaines. Marx peut y servir de guide, à condition que l’on le réveille de ses cauchemars sociaux-démocrates et staliniens. Retour donc à Marx, à cet autre Marx oublié par les orthodoxies en faillite.

For Greece default is the only option

by Costas Lapavitsas

2012-02-03_lapavitsas_kostasNegotiations to reduce Greek debt have been suspended after no agreement could be reached last week. At some point in the near future Greece seems certain to default on its obligations. But the drama surrounding the talks in Athens, Berlin and Paris shows that there will be nothing co-operative about Greek default. It is a ruthless contest dominated by the so-called troika: the European Union, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.

Declaration of Social Movements Assembly Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil

31 January

2012-02-03_Forum_Social_TematicoWe, people of all continents, gathered in the Assembly of the Social Movements during the Thematic Social Forum Capitalist Crisis and Social and Environmental Justice, fight against the causes of a systemic crisis expressed as the economic, financial, political, food, and environmental crisis, that puts at risk the survival of humankind. Decolonizing oppressed peoples and confronting imperialism is the main challenge of the social movements of all over the world.

A seminar on Daniel Bensaïd

by SABADO François

2012-01-22_SABADO_FranoisIt is two years since Daniel Bensaïd left us. To mark the occasion, the Fourth International secretariat organized a seminar on his thought and action. This was not a big public initiative but three days of work to look further into a series of questions tackled by the theoretician, philosopher and political militant that Daniel was.

Hongrie : nouveau laboratoire social

par Pascal Franchet

2012-01-22_Franchet_PascalDes voix s’élèvent – dans les rues de Hongrie et dans les institutions de l’UE – contre la Loi fondamentale que le gouvernement ultra-nationaliste d’Orban vient de mettre en vigueur.

  Mais nous dénonçons une seule et même politique antisociale et antidémocratique, qu’elle soit menée par le capital transnational ou avec le label hongrois  ; nous le faisons avec ceux qui, en Hongrie, ont pu voter pour l’adhésion de leur pays à l’UE en espérant (à tort) que cela les protégerait de la montée d’une extrême droite raciste, antisémite, affichant ouvertement des sigles nazis.  

Audit, in Europa si fa così

2012-01-08_CannavoIn Francia l'appello ha superato le 50 mila adesioni, in Belgio le associazioni Attac e Cadtm hanno fatto ricorso al Consiglio di Stato contro i 54 miliardi per salvare la banca Dexia, in Grecia c'è un comitato attivo da un anno. Incontriamoci anche in Italia

¿Por qué no una auditoría ciudadana de todas las deudas?


2012-01-03_AlbarracinCuando se ha incrementado la deuda pública, ¿por qué no se alude a los rescates y recapitalizaciones bancarias; subvenciones al capital explícitos –como las de la industria a la automoción– e implícitos –como el sistema tarifario que se aplica a las compañías eléctricas–, o las desgravaciones, deducciones y exenciones fiscales al capital –en impuestos, en las cotizaciones sociales, etc.–?

No More “Green Capitalism” – An assessment of the failure of the Durban summit on the climate

ANTENTAS Josep Maria, VIVAS Esther

2011-12-24_esther-vivas-josep-antentasWe will save the markets, not the climate. That is how we can summarize the outcome of the 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC) which took place in Durban, South Africa between 28 November and 10 December 2011.

Egypt – The “Cabinet Office” Massacre: A New Crime by the Sons of Mubarak in Power

Revolutionary socialists

The following statement was issued on 17 December by the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt.

9 martyrs … 500 injured … this is the result of confrontations between the Egyptian Occupying Forces and the revolutionaries in a fresh attempt to bring the revolution to its knees and to bring back the Mubarak regime. And why not? After all, the leaders of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces are the sons of Mubarak, and they are loyal to their economic self-interests. The generals of SCAF control around 20 percent of the economy and are completely opposed to the interests of millions of working people who barely scrape a living. Most of them can’t find jobs which offer the chance of a decent life or even offer the hope of changing their lives for the better.

The Egyptian Revolution Continues:

An Interview with Hossam El-Hamalawy

by Mustafa Ali

2011-12-18_HamalawyHossam el-Hamalawy is a leading Egyptian journalist, photographer, and socialist activist from Cairo who maintains the widely followed blog 3arabawy. He is also actively involved in the Revolutionary Socialists, the Center for Socialist Studies, and the Workers Democratic Party.

La movilización social es indispensable para la auditoria de la deuda, dice economista colombiano

por Daniel Munevar, João Novaes

1) En que punto se encuentran las iniciativas para realizar una auditoria de los gobiernos para conocer la situación real de la deuda publica? En que países este tipo de iniciativas (ya sean de carácter independiente promovidas por ciudadanos o gubernamentales) están en curso, especialmente en Europa?

Russian socialists regroup to deepen struggle for new left party

Vpered and Socialist Resistance merge into Russian Socialist Movement


The 2011 congress of the Socialist Movement “Forward” (Vpered), its sixth, has voted to join with two other socialist organisations to form the “Russian Socialist Movement” (RSD). This congress was notable because the discussion has held in parallel with the preparations for the simultaneous congress of “Socialist Resistance” (Sotsialisticheskoye Soprotivleniye). [1] During many debates and discussions, members addressed the consolidation and unity of the Left forces in Russia and the need to develop a full-fledged political agenda left. These issues took up the major part the Congress.

La dette publique, six questions, six réponses









Il est fréquent pour les politiciens et les économistes de traiter des problèmes de la dette publique en faisant des analogies avec les ménages et les entreprises. Ils s’appuient en apparence sur le bon sens. En réalité, un État n’est ni un ménage ni une entreprise.