AUDIT: an essential tool to show the origins and causes of the current “debt” crises in the United States and Europe

by Maria Lucia Fattorelli

1. The origins and the essence of the current financial crisis

2011-12-08_Fattorelli_Maria_LuciaThe recent debt crisis in the United States of America, as well as some new findings about the current economic problems in European countries, have revealed how the instrument of public debt is used for the benefit of banking and finance.

Arab world: The revolution continues

2011-11-30_gilbert_achkarGilbert Achcar reports on the most recent developments across the Arab world

While voices were being raised from the right, and part of the left, declaring the “Arab Spring” over and advising the rebellious masses to go back home, recent days have made it abundantly clear that the revolutionary process which was sparked in Tunisia late last year remains alive and well.

Durban, South Africa, November 26th

Declaration of members of the indigenous people biocultural climate change assessment (IPCCA) initiative

2011-12-01_Durban_Indigenous_peopleThe participants of the workshop on REDD and Biocultural Protocols organized by the Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment (IPCCA), from Ecuador, Panama, India, Nicaragua, Peru and Samoa met on 24 and 25 November 2011 in Durban, South Africa to share emergent findings and analyse how REDD is affecting our territories in order to respond through our assessments.

A la veille de Durban : pas d’accord climatique avant 2020 !

par Daniel Tanuro

2011-11-29_durban-climate-change-conferenceAu risque de lasser le lecteur, rappelons les conditions à remplir pour que la hausse de la température de la Terre ne dépasse pas trop 2°C (entre 2 et 2, 4°C) :
1°) Réduction absolue de 50 à 85% des émissions globales d’ici 2050, à entamer dès 2015 au plus tard ;

Grèce : coup d’État européen face au soulèvement populaire

par Stathis Kouvelakis

2011-11-28_KouvelakisAinsi donc c’est en Grèce qu’a débuté la nouvelle pièce promise à un grand succès en cette saison politique européenne et qui s’intitule : La Prise du pouvoir par les banquiers. L’Italie paraît choisie pour la prochaine étape, ce qui ne fait que ressortir l’intérêt du processus grec qui a conduit à la démission de Georges Papandréou et à la formation d’un nouveau gouvernement dit d’« entente nationale » dirigé par Lucas Papadémos.

France : les dettes publiques locales, un enjeu citoyen essentiel

par Patrick Saurin

2011-11-27_saurin_patrickPatrick Saurin est membre de l’exécutif national de Sud Banques Populaires Caisses d’Epargne et du Collectif pour un audit citoyen de la dette publique.

November 20, 2011

Down with military rule – Down with Mubarak’s rule

Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt)

You will pay the price … killers of the revolutionaries!

2011-11-25_Egypt2-november_2011The revolutionaries have returned to Tahrir Square. Once again it is filled with the young people who are impatient to bring the killers of the revolutionaries in January to justice, and to see the realisation of freedom and social justice. The military courts have stolen years upon years of their lives. They have lost their eyes to sniper fire on the orders of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and their henchmen in the Ministry of the Interior.

Urgent Appeal for Action on Egypt 


21 November 2011

2011-11-22_egypt_protestsThe Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) is calling on states, UN officials, and INGOs to take immediate action to urge the government of Egypt to halt the use of excessive force against largely peaceful protestors, and refrain from further human rights violations in this context.

Ireland’s Debt Crisis: Roots and Reactions

Author: Andy Storey of Action From Ireland

Introduction: a pattern of dependency

2011-11-22_Andy_StoreyThe collapse of the Irish economy has come as a particular shock to many people, at home and abroad, because of its seemingly remarkable success in the preceding years, the period of very rapid economic growth that saw the country, from the early 1990s onwards, described as the ‘Celtic Tiger’.

Egypt: Appeal for International Solidarity Mobilisation

Posted on November 20, 2011

A call for international solidarity with protests in Egypt

2011-11-21_Egypt-november_2011Hundreds of thousands of protesters are braving tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannon and live ammunition in demonstrations against the ruling military council in Egypt. By late on 20 November there were an estimated 100,000 in Tahrir Square according to eyewitness accounts and thousands protesting in every major city in Egypt.

“You Pay, You Monitor”

The Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debts

The Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debts has the honour to announce the formation of a joint Egyptian-Tunisian committee for the Dropping of Debts in coordination with the campaign in Tunisia. The Campaign to Drop Tunisia’s Debt aims at auditing and dropping the debts of the dictator Bin Ali and was launched in the aftermath of the Tunisian revolution.

[Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières] -

Sur la crise de l’Union européenne et la dynamique des résistances


Ce rapport a été présenté lors d’une session ouverte de la réunion du Comité international d’organisation (IOC) du Forum populaire Asie-Europe (AEPF) qui s’est tenue à Paris le 28 octobre avant le sommet alternatif au G20 à Nice (sud de la France).


Après les trois jours tragicomiques qui ont secoué la Grèce (et l’Europe) capitaliste

Le gouvernement d’union nationale prélude a l’approfondissement ultérieur de l’affrontement de classe

par Yorgos Mitralias*

-Pourquoi tout à coup cette inquiétude
cette confusion (comme les visages sont devenus graves).
Pourquoi les rues, les places, se vident-elles si vite
et chacun rentre chez lui très soucieux?

C'est que les barbares arrivent aujourd'hui
et que ces choses-là éblouissent les barbares.

K. Kavafis, En attendant les barbares (extrait)

G20, symbole de la faillite d’un système

Eric Toussaint

2011-11-07_Eric2Le G20 n’est pas plus légitime que son géniteur le G7 (Etats-Unis, Canada, Allemagne, Royaume Uni, France, Italie, Japon), qui l’a lancé il y a 3 ans alors que commençait à sévir durement la crise économique la plus grave depuis les années 1930.

Will the Mercozy deal save Greece and the Euro ?

DOVE Fiona, GEORGE Susan, VASSALOS Yiorgos, PLIHON Dominique, HAAR Kenneth

In a podcast debate, four activist researchers debate why the European Union is wedlocked to economic policies that will only worsen the crisis and further undermine democratic control of public budget : Susan George Fiona Dove, Yiorgos Vassalos, Dominique Plihon, Kenneth Haar.

When triumphant neoliberalism begins to crack

by Franck Gaudichaud

2011-11-05_franck_gaudichaudOn September 22, 2011, wearing a dark suit, a purple tie and a light blue shirt, president Sebastián Piñera went up to the rostrum of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The head of the Chilean government - and nevertheless a successful multi-millionaire businessman – had a wide smile on his face. In these times of a world-wide crisis of capitalism, he could claim to have a flourishing economy,

El origen de la deuda pública griega y razones para no pagarla

2011-10-31_Leonidas_VatikiotisPonencia de Leonidas Vatikiotis en el encuentro “Viviendo en deudocracia”, Quién debe a Quién, Madrid, 7 y 8 de octubre de 2011.

28 octobre 2011
France: Collectif pour un audit citoyen de la dette

2011-10-29_Collectif_pour_un_audit_citoyen_de_la_detteD’où vient la dette ? A-t-elle été contractée dans l’intérêt général, ou bien au bénéfice de minorités déjà privilégiées ? Qui détient ses titres ? Peut-on alléger son fardeau autrement qu’en appauvrissant les populations ?

Oct 27 2011 - Jadaliyya Reports

The Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debts

“You Pay, You Monitor”

Founding Statement

by Jadaliyya Reports  

2011-10-28_the_popular_campaign_to_drop_egypts_debtThe Popular Campaign to Drop Egypt’s Debts was conceived as part of the January 25th Revolution, and affirms the right of the Egyptian people to assert collective control over all matters related to their life and the future of coming generations.


23 de octubre de 2011

15O: indignación global 

Por Josep Maria Antentas, Esther Vivas

2011-10-24_Josep_Maria_Antentas_e_Esther_Vivas2La jornada del 15 de octubre (15O) ha sido la primera respuesta global coordinada a la crisis y señala la emergencia de un nuevo movimiento internacional. Con las revoluciones del norte de África como aguijón inicial, mediante un efecto de emulación e imitación, la protesta llegó a la periferia de Europa.