Britain: Inside Labour is the heart of the class struggle

by STOWE Andy

2016 09 29 01 STOWE AndyAndy Stowe writes about Jeremy Corbyn’s election victory for leader and the process of change of the Labour Party.

The Labour right, its friends in the press, the commentariat and their allies threw everything they had at Jeremy Corbyn and he trounced them. He and his supporters were accused of antisemitism, intimidation and misogyny on the basis of nothing approximating to evidence and the charges were repeated endlessly throughout the mainstream media. Rarely has such a mendacious and well-resourced disinformation campaign been so utterly rejected by its intended audience. Corbyn increased his share of the vote to 62% from last year when he got 59.5%. He won support from 59% of party members, 70% of registered supporters and 60% of affiliated supporters. And that is despite a purge of many tens of thousands who would have voted for him.

Mexico’s Teachers Movement –

From Class War to Death Squads

by LA BOTZ Dan

2016 09 22 03 LA BOTZ DanMexican Teachers Union (el SNTE), have also engaged in protest marches, the blocking of highways and railroads, the commandeering of government vehicles, and the occupation of government buildings.

The government has responded by docking teachers’ pay, firing them, sending the police to beat them, and issuing warrants and arresting teacher leaders. One can only call what has gone on in Chiapas and Oaxaca and to a lesser extent in Guerrero and Michoacán class war.

Catalunya 11-S: El movimiento soberanista vuelve a mostrar en la Diada de 2016 su colosal capacidad de movilización y marca al Govern el camino hacia una República Catalana

Arturo Puente

2016 09 14 01 República CatalanaLa Diada de 2016 ha vuelto a convertirse, por quinto año consecutivo, en un grito masivo en favor de la independencia de Catalunya. El movimiento soberanista ha mostrado que su capacidad de convocatoria no decae, consiguiendo mantener el pulso en cuanto a afluencia de gente, y reforzando desde la calle el llamado "proceso de desconexión" que promete el Govern de la Generalitat. Las ciudades de Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida, Salt y Berga han quedado colapsadas este domingo, con manifestaciones nunca vistas fuera de la capital.

European Union referendum in Britain:

Was Brexit a Working-Class Revolt?

by MOODY Kim

2016 09 05 01 MOODY KimON JUNE 23 the British electorate voted to leave the European Union (EU) by 17,4120,742 (52%) to 16,141,241 (48%) with a high turnout of 72%. The referendum gave voters the simple choice of whether the UK should “Leave” or “Remain” in the EU. It was called by Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, as a result of pressure from “Eurosceptic” Tory (Conservatives) Members of Parliament (MPs) and the growing right-wing, anti-EU, anti-immigrant United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP, pronounced U-kip).

Although the Conservatives split between Remain and Leave factions, most of the other parties supported Remain. [1] Cameron and most politicians assumed a Remain victory. Instead a significant majority voted for Brexit (Britain + exit), as leaving the EU has become known.

Barroso’s Gold-plated revolving door

by Corporate Europe Observatory

2016 09 01 01 Corporate Europe Observatory 01 Never before has a former European Commission official been criticised as much for their post-EU career as ex-Commission president Barroso since he joined infamous US investment bank Goldman Sachs earlier this summer. Despite its scandalous nature, his move did not come as a complete surprise, given previous revolving door cases involving former EU commissioners. Citizens have every reason to ask if Barroso’s move goes against the public interest: evidence already points towards a gross violation of the EU Treaty. It would only be fair if Barroso was forced to choose between his new position with the banking giant and his generous EU pension.


Dan La Botz

2016 08 25 01 Nobel[Stockholm - August 21] The Nobel Prize in economics has been awarded posthumously to Karl Marx (1818-1883) for his book Das Kapital, a decision that has shocked and “dismayed” the economic establishment.

Lars Enquist, spokesperson for the committee, said that awarding Marx represented “an attempt to rectify shameful past errors on the part of the bank’s award committee.” He then read a remarkable statement to the media and the public explaining this year’s award:

Pas de “LEXIT” sans “Une autre Europe Possible” - à partir de luttes dans/hors/contre l'UE.

Par Catherine Samary

2016 08 19 01 Catherine SamaryDepuis le traumatisme grec – à la fois diktat néo-colonial de l'euro-groupe et acceptation par Tsipras de s'y soumettre malgré « l'OXI » populaire – la gauche radicale européenne débat de « plans B », sans aucun consensus stratégique ni tactique. Le référendum du Royaume-Uni (RU) en est l'amère illustration sans que la gauche anti-raciste et opposée à l'UE ait les conditions d'expression d'une alternative crédible aux institutions et politiques dominantes, nationales, européennes et internationales. Moins médiatisé que le Brexit, le referendum du 6 avril dernier aux pays-Bas, rejetant l'accord d'association de l'Ukraine avec l'UE illustre honteusement les mêmes « choix » piégés pour la gauche internationaliste.

History of the CADTM’s anti-debt Policies – Part 1 – Against illegitimate debt: Origins


2016 08 09 01 CADTM logoInterview with Eric Toussaint, spokesperson and co-founder of the international network of the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM). Interview by Benjamin Lemoine.

This interview presents the genealogy of the anti-debt struggle, the campaigns for debt cancellation, the empirical foundation, the political battles and the concepts of the “illegitimate”, “illegal” or “odious” nature of public debt. In other words, how it is necessary for the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM) – formerly known as the Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt – to ally with opposition forces and social movements, where the concepts and the people involved can challenge and overpower debt and its "system” once the government hears their voice. Yet, for CADTM the outright priority is to fortify the activities described below rather than lobbying.

From Africa to Latin America, citizens’ participation in audits ushers in hope. However, most of the time their purpose is lost due to the neglect of the crusaders-turned-rulers, where the rulers have the final say vis-à-vis the financial system. Yet, sometimes the audits are immensely successful. We review the experience of the audit of the Greek sovereign debt, full of intrigues and unexpected twists in which it took very little to tip the balance. When the hopeful dream for a new international cooperation (a conference in London on the Greek debt as requested by Alexis Tsipras) seems naive and where, according to Eric Toussaint, unilateral sovereign decisions are indispensable in order to reverse the balance of power.

El Parlament de Catalunya desobedece al Constitucional

por Martí Caussa

2016-08-07 01 CatalunyaPese a lo que han dicho muchos titulares de prensa, la decisión del Parlament no ha sido abrir la vía unilateral a la independencia, sino la vía unilateral para ejercer el derecho a decidir, después de constatar que no era posible la vía del pacto con el Estado español. Este pacto ha sido reclamado muchas veces por el movimiento independentista y las tres principales entidades del mismo, ANC, Omnium y AMI (Asociación de Municipios por la Independencia) lo han pedido de nuevo en un comunicado de rechazo a las amenazas del gobierno español.

Black Lives Matter did

something huge today

by Collier Meyerson

2016-08-04 01 Collier MeyersonIt’s a big day for the new civil rights movement known as Black Lives Matter. Up until now, the movement had famously opted to forgo hierarchies in favor of a diffuse coalition that more resembled Occupy Wall Street than, say, the ‘60s-era Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. The movement’s decentralized approach has been criticized in the past, and its activists have butted heads with both civil rights leaders and the Obama administration. But on Monday morning, Black Lives Matter made a decision to be a movement with a plan, a platform, and concrete demands.

In a statement released by more than 30 organizations (and endorsed by an additional 50), BLM released six platform demands and “key solutions”—a list of more than 40 policy recommendations, including demilitarizing law enforcement, unionizing unregulated industries, and decriminalizing drugs. A centralized wing of the movement for black lives, M4BL Policy Table, has been working on the demands for a little over a year, according to Thenjiwe McHarris, who is part of the M4BL Policy Table Leadership team.

Etat espagnol : Ce que à Podemos nous avons mal fait – Comment analyser des résultats électoraux et l’invalidation des pronostics ?

par TOBARRA Andreu

2016-08-03 01 TOBARRA AndreuLa soirée du 26 juin 2016 a provoqué une immense déception tant pour l’échec face aux attentes comme pour le sens inattendu des résultats électoraux. Diverses questions se posent qui semblent devoir recevoir une réponse en fonction de l’échec de la plus grande partie des pronostics.

Alors que les prévisions annonçaient une stabilité des votes que le Parti Populaire (PP) avait déjà obtenus le 20 décembre 2015, ce qui pouvait impliquer aussi bien une petite augmentation qu’une petite diminution, le PP obtient une augmentation importante, aussi bien en pourcentage, passant de 28% à 33%, qu’en nombre absolu de voix, passant de 7,2 millions à 7,9 millions, ce qui fait passer son nombre de sièges de 123 à 137 (voir tableau 1).

Rightwing Backlash: Reactionary Tide in Latin America

by LOWY Michael

2016-07-29 01 Michael LöwySINCE THE BEGINNING of the 21st cen­tury, the Left has won elections in most Latin American countries, in a powerful wave of popular rejection of the disastrous neoliberal policies of the previous regimes. One must however distinguish between two quite different sorts of left governments:

1) Social-liberal coalitions, which do not break with the fundamental “Washington Consensus” but implement several progressive social measures. The basic principle of this sort of government is to do what is possible to improve the situation of the poor — on the condition not to touch the privileges of the rich. The left, or center-left governments of Brazil, Uruguay and Chile are the most obvious examples.

2) Anti-oligarchic, anti-neoliberal and anti-imperialist governments, who set as their historical horizon “Socialism of the 21th Century.” Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador belong to this category.

Turkey (Declaration): The Way Out of This Crisis is not Declaring State of Emergency, but Democracy

by HDP (Turkey)

2016-07-26 04 HDPFive days after the coup attempt on 15th of July, the NSC and Council of Ministers declared a state of emergency in the country. This step shows the coup attempt might have been blocked, but the desire to rule the country with coup-like, authoritative mentality is not.

In this period Turkey will be ruled by Decree-laws against the constitution, the Council of Ministers will be chaired by the President, the jurisdiction of governors will be increased, and vital universal and democratic human rights will be violated while the Turkish Presidential System will be imposed without restraint. Thus, the coup attempt has become a tool and opportunity for the government to purge all opposition and limit democratic rights and freedom.


Convegno “Dal G8 di Genova alla Laudato si’: il Giubileo del debito?”

19 luglio 2016

2016-07-24 02 carta-di-genovaA 15 anni dal G8 di Genova e nell’anno del Giubileo della misericordia ci siamo dati appuntamento per condividere una delle questioni globali più urgenti: il progressivo indebitamento dei popoli dell’intero pianeta. Su questo tema abbiamo deciso di confrontarci con pensatori laici e credenti impegnati da anni su questo tema.

La responsabilità collettiva della misericordia, che è il dare opportunità di vita a tutti, richiede di giungere ad una denuncia pubblica delle indifferenze, delle riserve, e ad una pubblica, concorde assunzione di responsabilità al fine di snidare i privilegi e le ipocrisie, che contribuiscono a rendere sempre più ricche e prepotenti le classi dominanti e sempre più povere e vessate le parti  sfruttate ed emarginate  delle popolazioni.

Warsaw Summit & “hybridity”: Neither Moscow, nor NATO

Notes on the NATO summit and the antiwar counter-summit in Warsaw


2016-07-22 01 Ilya BudraitskisThe main result from this weekend’s NATO summit in Warsaw was the official proclamation of a “containment” strategy toward Russia [1]. So far, the practical consequence of this declaration is modest in military terms—a total of 3,000 foreign troops will be deployed to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Far more important are the politics of this decision. The “Russian threat” is primarily defined as hybrid, that is it’s covert and exists on the borders of war and peace, state policy and social dynamics.

Disdain for democracy: Turkey’s failed coup hands Erdoğan the pretext for further repression

by SAYARER Julian

2016-07-17 02 julian-sayarerAn authoritarian president has been saved by a peoples’ faith in democracy. But he is unlikely to credit them.

Turkish politics is seldom what it seems and so a coup late at night, backed with the imposing presence of military hardware, unravels to become an attempted coup come morning. Turkey will now face the prospect of yet another of its paradoxes, in which a public show of support for democracy, with people pouring onto the streets to protect an elected government, could well become the basis by which the Justice and Development Party (AKP) leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, expands his power over the Turkish state and justifies still more of his disdain for democracy.

Britain & Labour: All hands on deck to help Jeremy Corbyn win

by Socialist Resistance (Britain)

2016-07-17 01 socialist-resistance“Jeremy Corbyn has touched parts of the electorate Labour hasn’t reached in a long time” writes Andy Stowe. That was the judgement of Laura Kuenssberg, the Tory propagandist who delivers most of the BBC’s political coverage, reporting on the decision by Labour’s national executive committee (NEC) to allow the party’s leader appear on the ballot paper in the upcoming leadership election. And it goes a long way to explaining why he’s now going to be in a contest with former Pfizer lobbyist Owen Smith [1] and Angela Eagle who romped into fourth place with a stonking 17.9% of the vote when she stood for the deputy leadership last year. It can’t be repeated too often that Corbyn won 59.5% of the vote when he was elected last year.

Forever forward


2016-07-13 02 Bernie-SandersI am writing you today to express my deep pride in the movement – the political revolution – you and I have created together over the last 15 months. When we began this historic campaign, we were considered fringe players by the political, economic and media establishment. Well, we proved them wrong.

We showed that the American people support a bold, progressive agenda that takes on the billionaire class, that fights for racial, social, economic and environmental justice and that seeks to create a government that works for all of us and not just the big campaign donors.

Britain: Statement on the Labour leadership election

by Left Unity

2016-07-13 01 Left-UnityLeft Unity congratulates Jeremy Corbyn on his victory in the first battle against the coup plotters. Attempts to win a decision by the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party to effectively bar Jeremy Corbyn from the leadership campaign – by wilfully misinterpreting completely straightforward party election rules – were a complete disgrace. The plotters were defeated and the NEC agreed that the incumbent shall automatically appear on the ballot paper. Nevertheless this whole shameful episode is one of the most underhand and undemocratic political acts of modern times.

Britain: Anatomy of a Failed Coup against Corbyn in the UK Labour Party

by SEYMOUR Richard

Worst. Coup. Ever.

2016-07-10 06 SEYMOUR RichardAs the Chilcot Inquiry report is released to the public, those MPs attempting to depose Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn—their leading lights inescapably sullied by having supported the war—are suing for peace. Over a week of high-profile resignations, statements, demands, pleas and threats have seemingly done little but consolidate Corbyn’s position. In record time, it has gone from being a coup to a #chickencoup to a #headlesschickencoup. 

This could be the biggest own-goal in the history of British politics. Journalists steeped in the common sense of Westminster, assumed that it was all over for Labour’s first ever radical socialist leadership. How can he lead, they reasoned, if his parliamentary allies won’t work with him? This, in realpolitik terms, merely encoded the congealed entitlement and lordly presumption of Labour’s traditional ruling caste. Even some of Corbyn’s bien-pensant supporters went along with this view. They should have known better.