You've Been Warned

Hamilton Nolan

2017 01 03 01 TrumpIf the very worst happens, it won’t be because we didn’t know that it might happen. We have all been amply warned.

- We’ve been warned of the many disturbing parallels between Donald Trump and Hitler.

- We’ve been warned that the rise of Trump resembles the rise of other authoritarian populist demagogues.

- We’ve been warned—by Donald Trump himself—that he plans to implement incredibly broad rules blocking Muslims from entering America, and that he views a Muslim registry or “watch list” as a wise idea.

The Only Way to Stop Climate Change Now May Be Revolution

2017 01 01 01 James HansenFed up with slow (or in some cases, backwards) progress on climate change, environmental advocates are mulling desperate measures. Emerging at the head of this pack is arguably the world’s most prominent climate scientist: James Hansen, a former NASA researcher turned activist.

So it’s come to this.

Last year, a researcher presented a paper on climate change at the American Geophysical Union’s meeting entitled ”Is Earth F**ked?” which advocated “environmental direct action, resistance taken from outside the dominant culture, as in protests, blockades and sabotage by indigenous peoples, workers, anarchists and other activist groups.”

Banks are responsible for the crisis in Greece

Debts claimed from Greece are odious

9 January by Eric Toussaint

2016 12 28 00 ericThe present study shows that the Greek crisis that broke out in 2010 originated in private banks, not in excessive public spending. The so-called bail-out was designed to serve the interests of private bankers and those of dominant countries in the Eurozone. Greece adopting the euro played a major role among the various factors that contributed to the crisis. The analysis developed here was first presented in Athens on 6 November 2016 during a meeting of the Truth Committee on Greek Public Debt.

At first sight, between 1996 and 2008, the development of Greece’s economy looked like a success story! The integration of Greece within the EU and from 2001 on within the Eurozone seemed successful. The rate of Greece’s economic growth was higher than that of the stronger economies in Europe.

2011-2016: The Sixth Anniversary of the Start of the Arab Uprisings 

“No one should mourn the old order as if it was a dream rather than a nightmare”

by ACHCAR Gilbert

2016 12 22 01 ACHCAR GilbertSix years ago, on 17 December 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi immolated himself in the Tunisian city of Sidi Bouzid. Bouazizi did not know that by this extreme form of protest, he was setting not only himself or his town on fire, nor his province or even his Tunisian homeland alone, but the whole Arab region. Indeed, his protest inspired millions of others—“from the Ocean to the Gulf” as the saying went in the heyday of Arab nationalism—to protest their regimes and the status quo.

The tragedy is that this wave of protests did not bring the renewal that was promised by the branding phrase “Arab Spring,” but rather what followed were more of the old calamities, aggravated to a frightening degree in some cases. It is necessary therefore to emphasize two crucial issues regarding the sad condition under which we commemorate the sixth anniversary of the Arab uprisings.

2011-2013-2016. New Texts Out Now

“Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising”

by ACHCAR Gilbert

Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book?

2016 12 22 02 ACHCAR Gilbert2Gilbert Achcar (GA): Two reasons: one general and one practical. The general reason is the need to assess the new counter-revolutionary phase in the Arab upheaval, which started in 2013. Since early on, I have been describing what began in December 2010 in Tunisia and spread to the whole Arab-speaking region in 2011 as a “long-term revolutionary process” that will necessarily go through a succession of contrasting phases. My previous book, The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising—which came out in 2013 and was kindly reviewed by Maha Abdelrahman for Jadaliyya—analyzed the economic, social and political roots of the regional upheaval and its dynamics, along with an assessment of its first two years. Morbid Symptoms is a sequel to The People Want, assessing the reactionary phase that has been unfolding since the turning point of 2013.

We weep for Aleppo –

“Aleppo burn, Yemen starve and Palestine cry out for justice”

by DOWLING Felicity, Left Unity

Left Unity Principal Speaker Felicity Dowling writes:

2016 12 19 04 AleppoThe abomination that is the destruction of Aleppo, of its people and of its buildings and services will be remembered for centuries to come, should humanity have the good fortune to last that long.

War is part and parcel of capitalism, the more so in economic crisis as now.

When the capitalists can’t make enough money by production, or by trade, or by robbing the accumulated wealth of the modern state (they call it austerity or re-structuring or the cuts, or just plain privatisation), by the peaceful use of their power, they decide to rob one another – or other states and peoples – with force of arms. War is part and parcel of capitalism.

Massacres à Alep :

lettre à un « camarade » qui s’obstine à justifier l’injustifiable

par SALINGUE Julien

« Camarade »,

2016 12 19 03 SyrieCela fait plusieurs semaines que je me dis que je vais t’écrire, et ce sont les événements tragiques d’Alep et ta réaction à ces événements, ou parfois ta non-réaction, qui ont fini par me persuader que l’heure était venue de m’adresser à toi. Pas nécessairement dans le but de te convaincre, car je crois que malheureusement il est déjà trop tard. Mais au moins, comme ça, les choses seront dites et tu ne pourras pas dire que tu ne savais pas.

Procès Luxleaks et Lagarde : la justice protégera-t-elle encore longtemps la délinquance financière ?

par CADTM France , CADTM Belgique , CADTM Suisse

Procès Luxleaks : on se trompe d’accusés !

2016 12 12 01 cadtmAujourd’hui s’ouvre à nouveau, au Luxembourg, le procès d’Antoine Deltour, Raphaël Halet et Édouard Perrin, les deux lanceurs d’alerte et le journaliste, grâce auxquels le scandale LuxLeaks a pu éclater au grand jour. En juin 2016, É. Perrin avait été acquitté mais le parquet luxembourgeois a décidé de faire appel. A. Deltour et R. Halet, quant à eux, condamnés respectivement à 12 mois et 9 mois de prison avec sursis et à des amendes, ont fait appel. Ce verdict est en effet tout simplement scandaleux, sanctionnant un acte citoyen courageux : la mise à jour d’un système de fraude fiscale de grande ampleur via des centaines d’accords secrets entre des multinationales et l’administration fiscale luxembourgeoise (« tax ruling »), par l’intermédiaire du cabinet d’audit Price waterhouse Coopers (PwC).

Fidel Castro :

La dette ne doit pas être payée

par Fidel Castro Ruz

2016 11 29 01 Fidel CastroEn 1985, Fidel Castro a lancé une campagne internationale pour la constitution d’un front des pays endettés confrontés à des dettes insoutenables. Fidel déclare dans ce discours prononcé en août 1985 à l’issue d’une rencontre internationale consacrée à la dette : « nous nous sommes rendu compte qu’(...) en définitive le mot d’ordre d’annulation de la dette était valable pour tous les pays du Tiers-monde. ».

Ses efforts pour favoriser une unité des peuples pour l’annulation de la dette du Tiers-monde ont connu un grand écho en Amérique latine parmi les mouvements sociaux et les intellectuels de la gauche radicale. En Afrique, Thomas Sankara, président du Burkina Faso, a repris ce mot-d’ordre et a tenté de lancer un vaste mouvement africain pour le non paiement de la dette. En Europe, le CADTM est né dans la foulée de cette campagne internationale partie de l’Amérique latine.

Cuéntenles a sus hijos quién es Marcos Ana

Se apaga la memoria de un siglo de lucha antifascista y por la libertad

Por Isaac Rosa

2016 11 25 01 Marcos AnaCuéntenles a sus hijas e hijos quién es Marcos Ana. Porque de lo contrario, salvo que hayan tenido la suerte de conocerlo en alguna de sus visitas a colegios e institutos, es probable que no sepan quién es. Pese a algunos homenajes y reconocimientos recientes, este jueves eran muchos los que buscaban en Google quién es ese tal Marcos Ana. Y esa ignorancia da la medida de los agujeros que sigue teniendo la memoria colectiva de este país, sobre todo con los antifascistas, y más con los comunistas.

Primaire de la droite : François Fillon, celui qui veut être « l’homme de fer »

par ORANGE Martine

2016 11 23 01 Martine OrangeFrançois Fillon est un adepte de la stratégie du choc. Abrogation des 35 heures et de l’ISF, fiscalité réduite pour le capital, retraite à 65 ans, réforme de l’assurance chômage, droit du travail… Il veut mener sa révolution néolibérale en deux mois. Au risque d’un choc récessif détonant.

Depuis des mois, François Fillon a déjà théorisé ce que pourraient être ses premières semaines de gouvernement. S’appropriant les habits du thatchérisme, au moment où la Grande-Bretagne l’enterre, l’ancien premier ministre de Nicolas Sarkozy entend incarner le nouvel « homme de fer » et mener sa révolution libérale au pas de charge. Une stratégie du choc, comme il le reconnaît lui-même. Un choc technique mais aussi un choc psychologique, précise-t-il.

It was the Democrats' embrace of neoliberalism that won it for Trump

By Naomi Klein

2016 11 15 01 Naomi KleinThey will blame James Comey and the FBI. They will blame voter suppression and racism. They will blame Bernie or bust and misogyny. They will blame third parties and independent candidates. They will blame the corporate media for giving him the platform, social media for being a bullhorn, and WikiLeaks for airing the laundry.

But this leaves out the force most responsible for creating the nightmare in which we now find ourselves wide awake: neoliberalism. That worldview – fully embodied by Hillary Clinton and her machine – is no match for Trump-style extremism. The decision to run one against the other is what sealed our fate. If we learn nothing else, can we please learn from that mistake?

US Presidential Election Trump Victory Brings Far Right Government and Uncertain Future

by LA BOTZ Dan

2016 11 12 01 Dan La BotzRepublican Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential elections not only brings to power the most rightwing president in our nation’s modern history, but because he is an idiosyncratic political outsider, it also points to a very uncertain future. Still we can be sure that his victory will lead to attacks on the working class, on the black and Latino communities, on women, and on LGBT folk.

The Democrats choice of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders doomed the party to defeat, while the failure of the labor movement and left to build a political alternative left voters with few choices, most of them bad.

The Oviedo Manifesto

2016 10 30 01 Oviedo ManifestoMore than 580 elected representatives, including councillors, MPs and MEPs have signed the Oviedo Manifesto, an association against illegitimate debts that was presented to the Spanish Parliament on Wednesday, October 19, 2016.

More than 40 Mayors from all over Spain, hundreds of councillors and dozens of local and national politicians and MEPs from different political parties were among the endorsers.

The list of signatories is now open to activists, social movements and people who want to give their support or better still, to be actively involved in the process.

Standing against barbarism

by Gilbert Achcar

2016 10 27 01 Gilbert AchcarBoth the Syrian regime's war on a pro-democracy uprising and the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen are aimed at burying the aspirations of the Arab Spring, writes Gilbert Achcar, author most recently of Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising, in an article originally published in Arabic at Mada Masr and first published in English translation at Jacobin.

Belgique : La Wallonie contre le CETA : que faire de cette victoire ?

par LCR (Belgique)

2016 10 26 01 LCRLes victoires face au rouleau compresseur néolibéral sont si rares qu’il faut savoir les savourer et les célébrer quand d’aventure elles se présentent. Le Parlement de la Wallonie a refusé de donner à l’Etat belge le feu vert pour la signature du CETA et le gouvernement wallon refuse de céder aux ultimatums, aux menaces et aux pressions émanant de l’Union Européenne, du gouvernement belge, des milieux d’affaire et du gouvernement flamand.

Une victoire de la lutte

C’est indiscutablement une victoire contre la dictature des multinationales et contre l’Union Européenne, ce serviteur zélé de la gouvernance néolibérale. « Il ne peut y avoir de recours démocratique contre les traités européens déjà ratifiés », disait Jean-Claude Juncker en pleine crise grecque. Il ne s’agit pas ici du même type de traité, mais il est clair que le « non au CETA » du Parlement wallon résonne dans toute l’Europe et au-delà comme un refus légitime de s’incliner devant cette tyrannie.

The CADTM Italy is born

by Chiara Filoni

2016 10 22 01 CADTM ItalyFollowing the successful meeting between secular and Catholic entities in Genoa on July 15th of this year, |1| which also lead to the Charter of Genoa for the abolition of illegitimate debts, twenty Italian movements and progressives met on September 15th for CATDM Italy’s launch in the capital city of Rome.

The function room of the faculty of “Lettere e Filosofia” at the University of La Sapienza was full. Amongst those who came together to inaugurate CADTM Italy were activists from academic groups, professors, members of local debt audit commissions (including for the audit of the debt of Parma), Attac Italy, Communia, political parties (such as Sinistra anticapitalista), civil society organisations (Associazione culturale il Bradipo, Arci, Pop-Off Giornalismo, Cooperativa Bottega Solidale Genova,Fair, Fondazione “Lorenzo Milani” Onlus di Termoli, Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo), trade unionists and Pax Christi |2| representatives .

Putine, Trump... – What Can We Learn from Vampires and Idiots?


2016 10 16 01 BUDRAITSKIS IlyaThe German socialist August Bebel once called anti-Semitism “the socialism of fools.” He had in mind that a fool from the lower classes, indignant at the existing state of things instead of seeking the genuine reasons for his discontent concealed in the capitalist means of production, found a facile but false target in Jews. The result of this fool’s bad decision could prove catastrophic: instead of joining the ranks of socialists, he became their fiercest and most dangerous adversary. “Socialist foolishness” merits neither indulgence nor understanding. It is, moreover, a formidable weapon in the hands of elites, who are wise enough to know how to exploit it.

Italy: The ambiguous nature of the 5 Star movement


2016 10 08 01 TURIGLIATTO FrancoThe victory of the 5 Star Movement (M5S according to its initials in Italian) and its young candidates, Virginia Raggi and Chiara Appendino, in the municipal elections of June 2016 in two symbolic cities of Italy (the capital, Rome and the main industrial city of the country, Turin) has revived many questions about the political role and the nature of the group founded by the comedian Beppe Grillo.

PSOE: Sánchez dimite, la crisis continúa

Jaime Pastor

2016 01 01 01 Jaime PastorConsumatum est. Desde que, tras el pasado miércoles, con el golpe de silbato de Felipe González y la dimisión del sector afín a Susana Díaz de la Comisión Ejecutiva Federal, se iniciara una ofensiva en todos los planos, con PRISA a la cabeza, contra el todavía Secretario General del PSOE, era difícil pensar que el equipo encabezado por Pedro Sánchez fuera capaz de aguantar la presión sufrida durante la reunión de del Comité Federal. Y, efectivamente, al final ha tenido que tirar la toalla después de una votación a mano alzada en la que su propuesta de Congreso ha sido rechazada por 137 votos contra 105.