Ronnie Kasrils: Calling for a ceasefire in Gaza


Ronnie Kasrils smallSouth African veteran anti apartheid activist, Ronnie Kasrils, is calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. He's a founding member of the armed wing of the African National Congress, and former minister in the first post-apartheid government.



Far-right electoral victory in the Netherlands

by DE JONG Alex

That the right-wing won the recent Dutch elections was no surprise. What was surprising was how decisive the share of the far-right was in the overall right-wing victory. For Geert Wilders, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party (PVV), years of patience paid off while the incumbent right-wing party gambled and lost.


Notes urgentes sur les élections en Argentine et le triomphe de l’extrême droite

par MAZZEO Miguel

« Tout mon peuple est malade et il n’y a pas d’arme de réflexion avec laquelle on puisse se défendre (...) Et l’un après l’autre, comme un oiseau rapide, on voit qu’ils se précipitent, avec plus de force qu’un feu irrésistible, vers la côte du dieu des ombres… »
Sophocle, Œdipe roi. (Refrain : Deuxième couplet).

L’extrême droite, représentée par le duo de La Libertad Avanza, composé de Javier Milei et Victoria Villarruel, vient de remporter les élections présidentielles en Argentine. La formule de la force officielle, Unión por la Patria, dirigée par Sergio Massa et Agustín Rossi, a été défaite. Le gouvernement national sera entre les mains d’un ultralibéral sociopathe, dogmatique et émotionnellement brisé, défenseur du génocide et apologiste de la cruauté. Le cauchemar est-il devenu réalité ? À proprement parler, une bonne partie de cette société habitait déjà une zone d’anxiété, d’agitation, d’hallucination et de décomposition du langage. Mais le cauchemar s’est formalisé et est devenu effectif pour la grande majorité. C’est devenu officiel. L’absurde avance. La folie avance... Jusqu’où ira-t-elle ? Nous ne le savons pas. Mais on imagine le pire.

Face the Nation

Palestinian politician Mustafa Barghouti calls Biden's visit "catastrophic"

Amid protests worldwide in support of Palestinians, Mustafa Barghouti, president of the Palestinian National Initiative and a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, says he doesn't understand "why the president of the United States comes here and instead of telling Israel, enough is enough, you wanted to respond, you responded … Instead of that, he's encouraging them to have an invasion, a ground invasion." Imtiaz Tyab reports from West Jerusalem.

Michel Warschawski : « Israël est divisé entre deux projets de société irréconciliables »

Michel Warschawski

Journaliste, figure de la gauche radicale et du mouvement pacifiste en Israël, auteur de nombreux ouvrages dénonçant l’occupation et de la colonisation de la Palestine, Michel Warschawski signait en 2018 chez Syllepse son dernier livre, intitulé « Israël : chronique d’une catastrophe annoncée… et peut-être évitable ».

Le 7 octobre représente plus grand massacre de juifs depuis la seconde guerre mondiale. Comment vivez-vous ce paradoxe d’un État créé pour permettre aux Juifs menacés dans le monde de trouver refuge, qui s’est ici montré incapable de protéger, d’assurer la sécurité de ses citoyens ?

Il y a une image très pertinente de l’historien juif anglais Isaac Deutscher. Un fugitif est poursuivi par quelqu’un qui le menace avec un couteau. Il rentre dans la première maison venue pour y trouver refuge. Mais au lieu de dire « Excusez-moi, dehors je risque ma vie, il faudrait que je reste chez vous pendant un certain temps », très vite, il se met à repousser les propriétaires de l’entrée vers le séjour, du séjour vers la cuisine, pour finir par les cantonner au débarras. Et à la fin il dit : « Ici, cela a toujours été à moi ».

Jewish peace activists hold sit-in protest at Grand Central

Jewish peace activists hold sit-in protest at Grand Central to demand ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conf

Jewish peace activists held a massive sit-in protest at Grand Central in Manhattan Friday evening to demand a ceasefire in the deadly Israel-Hamas conflict.


Ceasefire Now! Rashida Tlaib, Naomi Klein Join Thousands in Jewish-Led D.C. Protest Against Gaza War

Thousands rallied at the U.S. Capitol this week calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, in what organizers with IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace called the largest-ever protest of Jews in support of Palestine. Hundreds were also arrested during a sit-in of the Cannon House Office Building. We feature addresses by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American member of Congress, and author Naomi Klein.

Si au nom de la « paix » nous trahissons les Ukrainiens, comme les Palestiniens


PEREKHODA HannaImaginons l’histoire suivante. Un pays est occupé, son peuple est systématiquement opprimé. L’État occupant encourage l’installation de colons sur leurs terres. La lutte pour l’émancipation de ce peuple opprimé reçoit un soutien trop insuffisant de la part des forces progressistes à l’extérieur du pays et est ignorée par les principaux États du monde. Les forces réactionnaires s’emparent de la cause de la libération nationale et recrutent au sein de la population qui subit l’injustice au quotidien. Elles recourent de plus en plus à l’action terroriste. Elles sont brutalement réprimées et se radicalisent jusqu’à donner naissance à une organisation d’extrême-droite ultra-réactionnaire.

Crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité en Israël/Palestine :
Halte aux « deux poids deux mesures »!

« Le fleuve emportant tout, on dit qu’il est violent.
Mais nul ne taxe de violence les rives qui l’enserrent. »

Bertold Brecht

L'Union des Progressistes Juifs de BelgiqueLes attaques meurtrières et les enlèvements dont ont été victimes depuis ce 7 octobre 2023 des centaines de civil·es habitant des localités israéliennes proches de la bande de Gaza constituent des crimes de guerre que l’Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique (UPJB) ne peut que condamner. Celles-ci nous choquent et nous affectent profondément.

L’UPJB reconnaît cependant le droit à la résistance des Palestinien·nes, y compris armée quand elle vise des militaires ou des colons armés puisqu’iels sont victimes d’une occupation militaire interminable, de l’accaparement sans cesse croissant de leurs terres, de leurs ressources en eau et d’autres biens, de l’étouffement de leur économie, de la répression par l’armée de toute forme de résistance même non violente, de l’agressivité quotidienne de plus en plus souvent meurtrière des colons.

On the debates regarding the “decolonization” of Russia


Ilya BudraitskisSince the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the debate about “decolonizing” Russia has moved rapidly from the realm of academia and cultural criticism to that of actual politics. Demands to “decolonize Russia” are voiced by opposition activists from Russia’s “national republics” (such as Buryatia or Bashkortostan) as well as from Ukrainian and some European […]

Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the debate about “decolonizing” Russia has moved rapidly from the realm of academia and cultural criticism to that of actual politics. Demands to “decolonize Russia” are voiced by opposition activists from Russia’s “national republics” (such as Buryatia or Bashkortostan) as well as from Ukrainian and some European politicians. Among Russian opposition emigrants, reflections on the causes of the invasion have also led to a search for its foundations in the country’s imperial past. At the same time, the issue of “decolonization” occupies an important place in the rhetoric of the Russian authorities: on the one hand, Vladimir Putin views “separatism” as the main threat to national security, and on the other, he calls on the countries of the Global South to fight against “Western colonialism”.

Boris KagarlitskyBoris Kagarlitsky. Alexander Demyanchuk / TASS

Criminal case initiated against Russian leftist Boris Kagarlitsky

26 July 2023, by Russian Socialist Movement (RSD)

A few hours ago it became known that Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) had opened a criminal case against well-known left-wing political scientist and sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky, editor of the online magazine Rabkor.

The formal reason for initiating the case was alleged “justification of terrorism”, but we are absolutely sure that the persecution of Kagarlitsky is a political reprisal for his views.

Recently, Boris has been actively commenting on the current political situation, openly criticizing both the domestic and foreign policies of the Russian authorities.

Marko Bojcun

Solidarity, decency, socialism: in memory of Marko Bojcun

Denys Pilash

On March 11th 2023 our friend and comrade of Commons, known political economist, political scientist, labour movement historian and an activist of left-wing movements and solidarity with Ukraine, Marko Bojcun, passed away. He played an important role in keeping the flame of the Ukrainian left alive and in giving it, through emigrants and dissidents, to present time Ukraine.

During the last years of his 72-year life he was heavily ill with cancer and despite that he continued to work and never lost optimism of the will to make as much impact as possible. His magnum opus, which was based on his doctoral thesis (“Labour Movement and National Question in Ukraine: 1880-1920”) written in 1985, was significantly expanded with inclusion of previously unavailable sources and new research.

Λάβαμε και δημοσιεύουμε το εξής κατεπείγον μήνυμα από τον φίλο σ. Ουκρανό ιστορικό Αντρίι Ζντόρωφ, συγγραφέα του κειμένου για την μπολσεβίκα Γιεβγκένια Μπος που είχαμε δημοσιεύσει τον περασμένο Νοέμβρη (

Пролетар України - субота, 17 червня 2023 р.

Igor Kuznetsov 2012Igor Kuznetsov 2012

Prisoner of Conscience

This week I got the news from Mordor: my friend from Tomsk, Igor Kuznetsov, was sent from pre-detention center № 4 in Moscow to the Serbsky Research Institute for Clinical Psychiatric Examination. Igor was arrested on September 16, 2021 on charges of inciting mass disorder via the Chto Delat telegram channel. Together with ten other members of the channel he was allegedly preparing mass riots on Election Day, September 17, 2021. Two months later the FSB (political police) brought another charge against him - participation in the alleged "extremist community" Left Resistance.

greek elections 2023

Greece: right-wing landslide, left-wing collapse. Surprise or predicted electoral result?

by Yorgos Mitralias

How can we explain the victory, or rather triumph, of the Greek right and the defeat, or rather collapse, of the Syriza Left in the May 21 elections? How do we explain the fact that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis's New Democracy (ND) party more than doubled (41%) Syriza's score (20%)? And how can we explain the fact that, right up until the eve of the elections, the Left - practically of all persuasions - was predicting electoral results that would serve as a springboard for the final assault by a burgeoning Greek popular movement against the power of a weakened and crisis-stricken Right?

Un ricordo di Livio Maitan

di Fabrizio Burattini

imageLa Quarta Internazionale (e per certi versi l’intero trotskismo italiano) dal dopoguerra in poi in Italia si è riconosciuta in Livio Maitan (Venezia 1923-Roma 2004). Livio, di cui in queste settimane ricorre il centenario della nascita, è stato un militante rivoluzionario marxista attivo, sul piano politico e su quello teorico per quasi sessant'anni, fino alla sua morte, nel dibattito e nell’azione del movimento operaio italiano ed internazionale.

Jacques Gaillot

Jacques Gaillot – Camarade évêque

par COUSTAL François

A 87 ans, Monseigneur Jacques Gaillot vient de mourir. Pour lui rendre hommage, la Conférence des Evêques de France vient de déclarer : « Au delà de certaines prises de position qui ont pu diviser, nous nous rappelons qu’il a surtout gardé le souci des plus pauvres et des périphéries ». Passons charitablement sur les « périphéries »… Mais il est vrai que sur nombre de sujets dits « de société » – notamment la reconnaissance du divorce, le mariage des prêtres, le recours au préservatif pour combattre le développement du sida, l’ordination des femmes ou encore les droits des homosexuels – Mgr Gaillot exprimait des opinions progressistes et, par là-même, absolument contraires aux dogmes maintenus de l’Eglise catholique. Ses prises de position publiques voire médiatiques étaient d’ailleurs ressenties par l’appareil clérical comme autant de provocations. Jusqu’à la sanction : en 1995, le Vatican lui retire sa charge d’évêque d’Evreux. L’imagination cléricale étant apparemment sans limite, il est alors nommé à titre honorifique évêque « in partibus » du diocèse de Partenia. Un diocèse théoriquement situé en Mauritanie mais, en réalité, un diocèse purement fantôme dans la mesure où il n’y a plus là-bas ni églises ni catholiques… depuis des siècles ! Désormais évêque sans diocèse, Mgr Gaillot fera donc de Partenia le symbole de la lutte des « sans ».

Anti-War Playlist: Russian Music Against the War

by SOROKINA Yanina

articleSince Russia invaded Ukraine four months ago, over 16,000 people have been detained or arrested for protesting the war, the independent police-monitoring website OVD-info reports.

Despite the political crackdown, Russians are finding a way to voice their opinion. Many Russian-speaking musicians turn to allegories and melodies to express their anti-war positions.

This playlist includes anti-war clips and songs Russian musicians made since their country invaded Ukraine.

Their concerts are now banned in Russia, St. Petersburg media outlet Fontanka reported Friday.

Debt Agreement 1953 of debt of Germany

The 1953 London Debt Agreement on Germany’s debt

by Eric Toussaint

Germany benefited from the cancellation of most of its debt as of February 27, 1953. This cancellation was instrumental in helping the country regain its position as the leading economic power on the European continent. Since then, no other country has received such favourable treatment. It is very important to know the why and how of this debt cancellation. In a nutshell, the great creditor bloc of West Germany wanted to give the German economy a real boost and make it a stable and central element in the struggle between the Atlantic and Eastern blocs.

2023 02 11 01 Ukraine

The Far Right in Ukraine: an Interview with Taras Bilous

by BILOUS Taras, SHALOM Stephen R.

Taras Bilous is a Ukrainian historian, an editor of Commons: Journal of Social Criticism, and an activist in Sotsialniy Rukh (Social Movement). He is currently serving in the Ukrainian army. He was interviewed by Stephen R. Shalom, a member of the New Politics editorial board. Denys Pilash helped with the translation.

New Politics (NP): How would you assess the influence of far-right forces in Ukraine? We have seen claims that, on the one hand, suggest that Ukraine is a Nazi state, or, on the other hand, that the far right is an insignificant factor in Ukrainian life. What is your assessment?

Richest 1% bag nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two years

by Oxfam

  • The super-rich outstrip their extraordinary grab of half of all new wealth in past decade.
  • Billionaire fortunes are increasing by $2.7 billion a day even as at least 1.7 billion workers now live in countries where inflation is outpacing wages.
  • A tax of up to 5 percent on the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires could raise $1.7 trillion a year, enough to lift 2 billion people out of poverty.

oxfamAccording to a new report published by Oxfam, the richest 1 percent grabbed nearly two-thirds of all new wealth worth $42 trillion created since 2020, almost twice as much money as the bottom 99 percent of the world’s population, reveals a new Oxfam report today. During the past decade, the richest 1 percent had captured around half of all new wealth. .